Anyhow, maybe I should try to get a little more on topic. So, why am I studying abroad? I am a double major in Mathematics and Spanish and getting a minor in History. All of these topics are going towards a Bachelor's degree in secondary education, which means I will be able to teach grades six through twelve. Since I am majoring in Spanish, I need to go to a Spanish speaking country to help increase my fluency and help me to pass a lot of competency exams that I am required to pass in order to teach Spanish. Also, I have hosted six exchange students of my own. Having experienced other people from other countries in my home has made me curious about other cultures. I chose Latin America because I have already traveled to Europe and wanted to see and experience something new.
I am super excited and super duper nervous for this trip of a life time. I hope to make lots of new, and long lasting, friendships while abroad. This trip means the world to me because I get to learn more about other cultures and experience a completely different realm than what is available to me in the United States. When I come back, I hope that I will be more open minded and know more about the world. Those may seem like huge goals, but I will be spending over four months studying in Chile, which should be plenty of time to learn all of those things, right? Well, I think so.